Curriculum Vitae
Office: Dept. of Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI),
Mt. Scopus 91905, Israel; Tel. 972-2-5882853
1964 Born, Kiev, Ukraine (former U.S.S.R.); 1979 Immigrated to Israel
Academic Positions
2012- | Professor, Department of Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
2007-2012 | Associated Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, HUJI |
2002-2007 | Senior Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, HUJI |
1998-2002 | Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, HUJI |
Current Academic Offices
2024.03.12 | Resigned from administrative tasks in the Hebrew University |
2007- | Coordinator, Asian Languages Library Project, Hebrew University |
Major Previous Offices
2019-2024 | Director, Confucius Institute 孔子學院 , Hebrew University |
2018-2019 | Director, Louis Frieberg Center for East-Asian Studies |
2013-2021 | Visiting Professor, Beijing Normal University, China |
2017-2020 | Chair Professor, Nankai University |
2014-2016 | Vice Dean, Faculty of Humanities, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
2013-2014 | Chair, Institute of Asian and African Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
2007-2011 | Chair, Department of East Asian Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
2006-2012 | Chair, Academic Committee, The Louis Frieberg Center for East-Asian Studies |
1995-1996 | Visiting Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv University |
Boards, Committees, etc.
2012-2020 | Member, Editorial Committee, Historia (Israel) |
2016- | Member, Editorial Board, Bamboo and Silk (English version of Jianbo) |
2016- | Member, Editorial Board, Oriens (Vostok) |
2015- | Member, Editorial Board, T’oung Pao |
2015- | Member, Editorial Board Nankai daxue xuebao 南开大学学报 |
2012- | Member, Editorial Board, Bulletin of Jao Tsung-i Academy of National Sciences 饒宗頤國學院院刊 and (from 2016) Jao Tsung-i Library of Sinology |
2011-2024 | Member, Editorial Board, The Chinese Historical Review |
2011- | Member, Editorial Board, Zhuzi xuekan 諸子學刊 |
1998 | Ph.D. in East Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the guidance of Irene Eber RIP |
1994/5 and 1997 | Studies at the Nankai University, Tianjin, under the guidance of Prof. Liu Zehua 劉澤華 RIP |
1996-1997 | Studies at UCLA under the guidance of Prof. Lothar von Falkenhausen |
1989-1994 | M.A. in East Asian Studies, HUJI, under the guidance of Irene Eber RIP |
1985-1989 | B.A. Department of East Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Russian, Hebrew – mother tongue level; English – excellent; Chinese, Ukrainian, Arabic – fluent; Japanese, German, French – reading only; Korean, Latin – basic level
Major Grants and Awards
2021 | Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines (awarded to my book Zhou History Unearthed) |
2019 | Israeli Science Foundation Grant 6/20 to support the publication of my book Zhou History Unearthed |
2019 | China’s “Special Book Award” (中華圖書特殊貢獻獎) granted for my contributions to the translation and publication of Chinese books and the promotion of cultural exchanges |
2019 | Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 568/19: “China in the Aristocratic Age: The Springs-and-Autumns Period Revisited” |
2018 | Grant 978/18 of the Israeli Science Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Study for the international workshop “Rethinking Early Chinese Historiography” (May 2019) |
2018 | Choice Outstanding Academic Title to my translation of the Book of Lord Shang |
2017 | Michael Milken Prize for Excellence in Teaching |
2015-2018 | Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 240/15 “Rethinking early Chinese historiography in light of newly discovered historical texts” |
2015/16 | Grant of the Hebrew University for the international workshop “Keywords in Chinese Thought and Literature” |
2011-14 | Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 511/11: “The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of the State Power in Early China” |
2011 | Grant 1714/11 of the Israeli Science Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Study for the international workshop “Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China” (May 2012) |
2007, 2009-2011,2014-16 | Rector’s list of outstanding teachers |
2010/11 | Grant of the Hebrew University for the international workshop “Rhetoric as a Political Tool in Early China” (May 2011) |
2010 | Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines (awarded to my book Envisioning Eternal Empire) |
2009 | Rector award for excellence in teaching and research. |
2007-2008 | Grant 1860/07 of the Israeli Science Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Study for the international workshop “The Birth of Empire: The State of Qin Revisited,” Dec 2008 (co-organized with Gideon Shelach, Lothar von Falkenhausen and Robin D.S. Yates); additional grant for the same workshop from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation and the American Council for Learned Societies in the program “New Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society.” |
2007-2011 | Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 1217/07: “Imperial Immortality – Political Culture of Traditional China” |
2006 | Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton |
2004- | Michael William Lipson Chair in Chinese Studies |
2002-2005 | Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 726/02-1, “Chinese Political Thought of the Warring States Period” |
1999/2001 | Alon Fellowship |
1998 | Kennedy-Leigh award for the outstanding Ph.D. dissertation |
1997/98 | Lady Davis post-doctoral fellowship |
1996 | Yad Hanadiv: Rothschild Fellowship for 1996/1997 |