Curriculum Vitae

Office: Dept. of Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI),
Mt. Scopus 91905, Israel; Tel. 972-2-5882853
1964    Born, Kiev, Ukraine (former U.S.S.R.);          1979    Immigrated to Israel

Academic Positions

2012- Professor, Department of Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2007-2012 Associated Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, HUJI
2002-2007 Senior Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, HUJI
1998-2002 Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, HUJI

Current Academic Offices

2024.03.12 Resigned from administrative tasks in the Hebrew University
2007- Coordinator, Asian Languages Library Project, Hebrew University

Major Previous Offices

2019-2024 Director, Confucius Institute 孔子學院 , Hebrew University
2018-2019 Director, Louis Frieberg Center for East-Asian Studies
2013-2021 Visiting Professor, Beijing Normal University, China
2017-2020 Chair Professor, Nankai University
2014-2016 Vice Dean, Faculty of Humanities, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2013-2014 Chair, Institute of Asian and African Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2007-2011 Chair, Department of East Asian Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2006-2012 Chair, Academic Committee, The Louis Frieberg Center for East-Asian Studies
1995-1996 Visiting Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv University

Boards, Committees, etc.

2012-2020 Member, Editorial Committee, Historia (Israel)
2016- Member, Editorial Board, Bamboo and Silk (English version of Jianbo)
2016- Member, Editorial Board, Oriens (Vostok)
2015- Member, Editorial Board, T’oung Pao
2015- Member, Editorial Board Nankai daxue xuebao 南开大学学报
2012- Member, Editorial Board, Bulletin of Jao Tsung-i Academy of National Sciences 饒宗頤國學院院刊
and (from 2016) Jao Tsung-i Library of Sinology
2011-2024 Member, Editorial Board, The Chinese Historical Review
2011- Member, Editorial Board, Zhuzi xuekan 諸子學刊


1998 Ph.D. in East Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the
guidance of Irene Eber RIP
1994/5 and 1997 Studies at the Nankai University, Tianjin, under the guidance of Prof. Liu Zehua 劉澤華 RIP
1996-1997 Studies at UCLA under the guidance of Prof. Lothar von Falkenhausen
1989-1994 M.A. in East Asian Studies, HUJI, under the guidance of Irene Eber RIP
1985-1989 B.A. Department of East Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Russian, Hebrew – mother tongue level; English – excellent; Chinese, Ukrainian, Arabic – fluent; Japanese, German, French – reading only; Korean, Latin – basic level

Major Grants and Awards

2021 Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines (awarded to my book Zhou History Unearthed)
2019 Israeli Science Foundation Grant 6/20 to support the publication of my book Zhou History Unearthed
2019 China’s “Special Book Award” (中華圖書特殊貢獻獎) granted for my contributions to the translation and publication of Chinese books and the promotion of cultural exchanges
2019 Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 568/19: “China in the Aristocratic Age: The Springs-and-Autumns Period Revisited”
2018 Grant 978/18 of the Israeli Science Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Study for the international workshop “Rethinking Early Chinese Historiography” (May 2019)
2018 Choice Outstanding Academic Title to my translation of the Book of Lord Shang
2017 Michael Milken Prize for Excellence in Teaching
2015-2018 Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 240/15 “Rethinking early Chinese historiography in light of newly discovered historical texts”
2015/16 Grant of the Hebrew University for the international workshop “Keywords in Chinese Thought and Literature”
2011-14 Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 511/11: “The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of the State Power in Early China”
2011 Grant 1714/11 of the Israeli Science Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Study for the international workshop “Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China” (May 2012)
2007, 2009-2011,2014-16 Rector’s list of outstanding teachers
2010/11 Grant of the Hebrew University for the international workshop
“Rhetoric as a Political Tool in Early China” (May 2011)
2010 Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines
(awarded to my book Envisioning Eternal Empire)
2009 Rector award for excellence in teaching and research.
2007-2008 Grant 1860/07 of the Israeli Science Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Study for the international workshop “The Birth of Empire: The State of Qin Revisited,” Dec 2008 (co-organized with Gideon Shelach, Lothar von Falkenhausen and Robin D.S. Yates); additional grant for the same workshop from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation and the American Council for Learned Societies in the program “New Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society.”
2007-2011 Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 1217/07:
“Imperial Immortality – Political Culture of Traditional China”
2006 Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
2004- Michael William Lipson Chair in Chinese Studies
2002-2005 Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant 726/02-1, “Chinese Political Thought of the Warring States Period”
1999/2001 Alon Fellowship
1998 Kennedy-Leigh award for the outstanding Ph.D. dissertation
1997/98 Lady Davis post-doctoral fellowship
1996 Yad Hanadiv: Rothschild Fellowship for 1996/1997